Aid to Beauty Training is now The Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo (Australia)

The organisation formerly known as “Aid to Beauty Training” has officially changed its name to
the Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo Australia
to reflect better what it does and the audience that it serves.

Why The Change Of Name?

The newly dubbed Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo Australia currently offers both accredited and non-accredited training for people wanting to work in the cosmetic tattoos industry.

Cosmetic tattoos (sometimes referred to as permanent makeup) are becoming increasingly popular among people looking to save time on their beauty regimes in the morning. The Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo Australia has changed its name to reflect the increasing importance of this type of procedure and aims to be a centre of excellence for training in the industry.

Tattoo Training Courses

feather brows Cairns training serviceFor people looking to take their first steps towards becoming an accredited cosmetic tattoo artist, the Academy offers several options. The organisation recommends that people begin with the obligatory Maintain Infection Control Course which is a prerequisite for all other cosmetic tattoo courses on offer. It is important, the Academy says, for new students to understand the necessity of good hygiene to prevent the spread of infection and avoid damage to patient’s skin.

The organisation says that it wants to attract all kinds of students, including those who do not have any experience in the realm of beauty. Courses are open to all, even if people do not currently have any skills as beauty therapists.

Students will discover while on the course whether they have the aptitude to carry out procedures they learn in a professional setting once the course finishes.

The academy says that it is looking for students with a keen eye for detail, are passionate about beauty and can persevere, even if they don’t get things right first time around. Those are the students, it says, that will succeed in the long term in their careers.

The Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo Australia splits training up into two distinct parts: practical and theoretical. The practical aspect of the tattoo courses happen on-site under the supervision of expert trainers. The theory takes place in the homes of students with much of the materials being learned and consumed online. The Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo keeps its course prices low in order to make them accessible to all.

Practical Learning

Students learn a wide range of skills, including powdering using a tattoo gun, microblading, full lip and lip liner with a tattoo gun, top and bottom eyeliner, and applying pigments.

Students are provided with all the equipment that they need to complete the course, including a beginner tattoo gun, microblading tools, pigments, colour wheels, practice skins, needles and blades, medical markers, and callipers.

Though administering tattoos can come with risks, the Academy of Cosmetic Tattoo Australia says that it takes adequate precautions to make sure that both students, faculty, and models remain safe at all times. Students must pass a high standard to be able to work on live models, and must prove their abilities in multiple areas.


The Academy sees itself as much more of an educational establishment than a training facility, which is another reason that has motivated the name change. People dip in and out of training facilities, as and when it suits them, and rarely forge long-term productive relationships. But the Academy for Cosmetic Tattoo Australia looks tooks to change that dynamic by providing all students with care and advice, long after they leave the school.

In addition to cosmetic tattoo, the newly-named Academy for Cosmetic Tattoo Australia also offers lip workshops, scalp micropigmentation, and brow microblading. The school takes safety seriously and ensures that all people who become accredited are ready to perform techniques on real people.