All you Need to Know About Sunshine Coast Microblading Course

All you Need to Know About Sunshine Coast Microblading Course

This Sunshine Coast microblading course equips you with one of the most trending semi-permanent eyebrow treatment skills. Wouldn’t it be great to earn a good income from a skill that you are likely to enjoy every minute practicing?

For the uninitiated, microblading is a type of eyebrow tattooing where the artists use a handheld microblade, unlike traditional tattooing that uses a machine. It is also referred to as eyebrow embroidery or micro stroking.

The Beauty of a Sunshine Coast Microblading Course

Once you have gone through our course, you can begin getting substantial the rewards immediately. Insured and accredited technicians are charging up to 800 dollars for a single treatment session.

Additionally, there is no huge investment required to start off. The only substantial cost you will incur will be preparing your treatment area. You will also be doing valuable work that transforms people’s lives. This is especially so when you treat clients with badly shaped damaged, or over-plucked brows. This can effectively bring about huge levels of job satisfaction.

There is a catch though!

To become good at microblading, you’ll need skill, patience, and a lot of practice. Fortunately, with the best training, you can effectively speed up the learning process. However, since this is a practical skill, there is no substitute for dedication to learning the craft. This means that you will need to spend time practicing what you learn in class.

Why Do you need microblading training?

In theory, you don’t need to go through training to perform a microblading procedure especially if you are self-taught or you learned microblading through apprenticeship. However, you might not be able to practice microblading because treatment insurance and licensing are only offered to those who with proper training and certification.

If you choose to practice microblading without insurance and the necessary licensing, it exposes you to legal action. This may lead to the closure of your business or even imprisonment. Additionally, given that there are so many things that could go wrong while carrying out any invasive treatment, it would be irresponsible to carry out such a procedure without proper insurance and training.

Why Choose a Sunshine Coast Microblading Course?

The first order of business in our course is to teach you how to perform the treatment safely.
This includes lessons on:

  • How to avoid cross-contamination and infection for your own sake and client’s as well.
  • How to identify contraindications
  • How prevent any other ill effects.

You also learn how to design with a purpose. This includes learning how eyebrows shape, colour and size influences the facial look. The end goal is to design eyebrows that enhance and complement your client’s face.

The course includes the critical colour theory lessons that teach:

  • How to recognise different skin undertones
  • How to match pigments
  • How to choose the right colour for different skin types

The actual microblading procedure

This is the most important lesson of all that involves expert guidance on how to carry out the actual microblading procedure. This includes how to draw a well-proportioned and balanced template and also how to use the manual pen to implant the pigments at the correct skin depth.

Other aspects of the Sunshine Coast Microblading course include skin stretching, pain management, and aftercare. Call Aid To Beauty Training now to get Nationally Accredited.